Our webmistress is nearly 13 weeks old!

Here’s a progress report on the Webmistress, and her brother!

Little Nishiko is growing like a weed.  She already likes to help me on the computer – and her training as a webmistress is going well.  It’s truly amazing how many traits she shares with Nezumi.  She even likes lettuce as she did!  She likes the same flavors of cat food, dislikes the same things, and has similar body language and habits.  It’s like having sweet Nezumi back in our lives again – and perhaps that is so.

Nishiko’s brother, Hiroshi, is wonderful and active and friendly.  The two of them play/fight every morning and every evening.  One of the things I love about Hiroshi is that the moment he sees me or the spouse, or if not then the moment I start petting him, he begins a deep, loud purr.  It’s a wonderful thing.  Sometimes when he’s a rascal I call him “monkey”  because of his really long tail and habit of grabbing everything.

These kittens are a trial sometimes, but they bring me true joy and have healed the deep well of pain that Nezumi’s passing left.  Sometimes I spend time just looking at them, drinking in their perfection.  The spouse and I both feel such love for them, there aren’t words to express it.

Shinji is being a wonderful foster father, doling out discipline with a gentle paw, even when he’s annoyed.  He also grooms them and cuddles them, and even once in a while plays with him.  Hiroshi wants to be like Shinji when he grows up, I can tell.  Nishiko plays with Shinji less but relies on him more for comfort and occasionally protection.

All three cats are just wonderful.  I’ve maintained a mostly grain free diet, including occasional treats of cottage cheese or unseasoned grilled chicken, that I make in little foil packets so that it’s protected from any salt.  They have boundless energy and are developing into truly beautiful cats.  They are also INTO EVERYTHING and on an endless quest to learn everything possible about their world.

As for progress, Nishiko and Hiroshi know their names, sort of come when called, and know “up,” “down,” and “no.”  They don’t always listen to “no” but they know what it means.  Tip for fellow kitten parents:  Get a squeaky toy that is as loud and shrill as possible.  It mimics a kitten’s distress sound so is a pretty good auditory deterrent, like if they start climbing up your bare legs or biting your fingers.  It tells them “ow!  That hurts!” and they understand it pretty well.

I hope you enjoy the pictures!  They are taken during the past couple weeks.

Nishiko belly
I’m as big as Foster-Dad!  See?
all three in window June 28
A well deserved nap
Crazy Hiroshi
Brother, you’re such a goof
Hiroshi on chair large
I, Hiroshi, survey my domain
I meant to do that
Time for a streeeeeeetch



The Lizard Lord

Lizard Lord 1400

Behold!  I am the Lizard Lord!  Watch as I do pushups to impress all the ladies!  I am Lord of all I survey, which is pretty much… this wall, um, and some trees, and oh, some brick planters… and doves!  I totally survey the doves too!

Did I mention I’m related to giant dinosaurs?  And so what if I’m only a foot long?

Laugh not at my blue belly, for I rule this backyard!

…Signed, the Spiny Desert Lizard.

August Skies

In my new suburban paradise, I have seen some beautiful skies.  It’s the middle of Monsoon, which has been a bit odd this year.  Not as many big storms, more hot and muggy days.  It’s all right.  Weather varies, and no one can predict it all the time.

Mindflight may be taking a new turn, but it is certainly not gone.  Much has changed in my life but my priorities are the same.  I want to share inspiration that will remind everyone to reach toward their dreams.  In fact, now I want to do that more than ever!  More details in days to come.

Here are some skyscapes from my new neighborhood – which I love.  Expect to see ideas for home improvement projects and possibly some grilling tips as I settle into home ownership!

august sky 750sunset august 2 1000august sky 1000

Lines and Spines

Arizona has some fascinating uses of line in the natural landscape.  Here are a few examples.

Cactus Art Print 1000.JPG

Here is a proud cactus who sits outside my Carniceria – I loved the contrast so much I had to make it into an art print.


This tree draws a fantastic line at my local park…


And these radial lines are interesting in their interplay.  They are pines from that same park.


These are lines courtesy of my acacia tree, painted against the summer sky.


via Photo Challenge: Lines

My Favorite Place

I’d have to say my favorite place is Arizona.

Can anyone doubt it?

The views, the weather, the critters, the plants, the people, the food.  It’s great!

Cactus Art Print 1000

I liked this cactus so much against its blue background, I turned it into an “art photo!”




And view!


And huge prickly pear!


And a cool tree!

This is at my local park, which is one of my favorite places – within my favorite place.


via Photo Challenge: Favorite Place

Out of this world – amateur lunar photography

I have so much fun with my little Nikon.  If I brace it just right (usually on the mailbox or the hood of my car) and zoom in on the moon all the way, I can get some pretty decent shots.

Once, I used a sponge floor mop as a monopod.  That worked pretty well!  The sponge protected the camera and the handle provided some much needed stability as I propped it on the ground.

Here are a few!









If that isn’t out of this world enough, here is a photo of the moon that makes it look all strange and mysterious.

blurred moon 1




A Winter Thought

As I write from normally sunny Arizona (today it’s cloudy and dry) I cast my mind back other Yuletide seasons in my past.  I don’t miss snow and cold but it sure makes some beautiful memories.

One thing I recall is the silence of a fresh snowfall.

Have you ever heard anything so quiet as when there is no traffic on the street, no one chattering or clumping along in snow boots, and all the night sounds are muffled in a fresh blanket of snow?  And have you ever seen anything so peaceful as when the flakes are swirling down and looking up into the black night sky is like gazing into hyperspace?

I remember one particular night when there were ice crystals rimming every branch and pure white covered the ground, mounding up on every horizontal surface.  I stood in my front yard, breathing in that dry snow-smell, admiring the crystalline icicles and not wanting to shatter that quiet.  I just watched, letting my senses drink it all in.

I rarely saw deep snowfalls as a child so each one was special to me.  I lived in the rather wet Pacific Northwest so snow was sporadic at best.  Back then I didn’t have to drive in it, or go to work, and my main concern was simply if the snow would pack down well or not.  I miss those snowfalls, and that lack of worry, but at the same time I really appreciate my new, dry, sunlit life.

Icy branches

(Photography by Lenore Plassman)

via Daily Prompt: Silent

Beginner’s tips to improve your photos

Do you want to improve your photos by quite a bit, without getting a degree in art or photography?  Make them stand out, and really shine?  Improve the contrast and crop it properly!  It’s simple to do, and I’ll show you how.

(My instructions are for the free art program GIMP, but the process is the same for any photo editing program.)

It’s pretty simple.  First, open your photo in GIMP or your favorite photo editing software.  For folks who are new to this, that usually means right clicking on the picture file and selecting “open with” then picking what you want to open in.

So, now you have your photo open.  Maybe it looks like this.example 1

Not a bad picture, really, but maybe you want to see the lioness better.  So draw a box around the area you want to keep with your selection tool (usually looks like a rectangle in the toolbar) and then use “Crop to Selection.”  In GIMP, that can be found under “Image,” up in the menu.  You’ll get something like this:

example 2

Better, but it could look even better than that!  So try this:  in GIMP, in the menu at the top, go to “Colors” then “auto” then “white balance.”  You’ll get something like this:

example 3

If you don’t like how that turned out, you can go to “Colors” then “Brightness and Contrast” and move the sliders around till you get something you like, like this:

example 4

Sometimes you can preserve the colors better by using the “Brightness and Contrast” tool rather than the automatic white balance, it depends on the photo.  If you are not using GIMP, but instead another program, there will be similar options but they may be called something different.

In any case, there’s a lot you can do to improve an image with very little effort!




Cat Nests

Have you ever noticed how cats love to nest?

They love boxes, bags, shelves, drawers, dryers that are turned off, foots of beds, piled up blankets, and any other soft place and hidey hole you can imagine.  Baskets were made for cats.  Just ask one, they’ll tell you.

Nezumi’s favorite nest is on my guitar bag when it’s folded up and sitting on a stool.  It’s soft and she likes the somewhat shiny surface.  Shinji’s special nest is on a shelf in the middle of a chest of drawers.  It’s a perfect cat sized nook, and he still manages to fit into it even though I put things in there to try to keep him out.

I’ve seen Nezumi sleeping on a pantry shelf…

on the computer desk…

on beds…

in chairs…

trying to fit themselves inside sandals…

in windows…

under desks…

in the laundry basket, empty or full…

and so many other places I can’t recall them all.

Once in a great while, they’ll sleep in the beds I made for them!
